Professional specialist companies are companies that measure and install our products themselves or have them measured and installed by an expert specialist company for their own customers or customers referred by us in their regional area.
Professional specialist companies are displayed on our map "BLUE". Interested parties can contact the specialist company directly via our website.
Expert specialist companies also carry out regional measuring and installation for joineries, carpenters, roofers, window manufacturers, the roofing trade and private customers who do not want to or cannot measure and install themselves.
Expert specialist companies are displayed on our map "RED". Specialist and private customers can contact the specialist company directly via our website.
After creating a user account, you will be registered as a professional specialised company. If you would like us to manage your company as an expert specialised company, please send us an E-mail with the subject "Expert" and inform us of your desired change. The change will be made immediately.
You will receive immediate access to our price lists and further information. After successful registration, your company will be displayed on our map as a professional specialised company for potential customers.